BRAIN FORCE on the upswing – Record result in fiscal year 2012/13


Preliminary results

  • Revenues grow to € 88.4 million (+16%)
  • Result before tax: € 4 million
  • Free cash-flow: € 11.2 million
  • Strengthening of equity base to € 19.23 million

Growth of revenues to € 88.4 million (+16%) The Group’s revenues in fiscal year 2012/13 increased by € 12.37 million or 16% to € 88.38 million, whereby all regions reported a growth. Germany, the region with the highest sales, increased revenues by 21% to € 48.01 million, Italy – despite a furtheron difficult economic environment – increased by 5% to € 23.66 million. In the Netherlands revenues rose by 27% to € 13.41 million, in Central-Eastern Europe revenues increased by 3% to € 3.30 million.

Compared to previous year the Group’s EBITDA increased by € 2.46 million to € 4,52 million and the Group’s EBIT increased by € 2.67 million to € 2,87 million.

Result before tax: € 4 million ( € -2.2 million in the previous year) In addition to the operational growth the sale of shares of SolveDirect Service Management GmbH increased the Group’s result considerably. The Group’s result before tax rose to € 3.98 million after a negative result of € -2.21 million in the previous year.

Free Cash flow: € 11.2 million The cash flow improved considerably due to the increased results and the sale of the shareholding. In fiscal year 2012/13 the free cash flow amounted to € 11.24 million, whereby financial liabilities in the amount of € 10.87 million could be liquidated. At balance sheet date 30 September 2013 the Group’s net cash (cash less financial liabilities) amounted to € 5.23 million, after a net debt in the amount of € 5.98 million in the previous year.

Strengthening of equity base to € 19.23 million (45% equity ratio) “The exceedingly positive development of results in all regions and the strengthening of the balance sheet structure, in particular from the preliminary redemption of the loan in the amount of € 10 million and the increase of the equity ratio to 45 % spread a positive mood for fiscal year 2013/14”, concludes CEO Michael Hofer.

Preliminary results

Earnings data

10/2012 – 9/2013
10/2011 – 9/2012
in %
Revenuesin € million
EBITDAin € million4.522.74>100
operating EBITDA 1)in € million4.522.06+65
EBITin € million2.870.79>100
operating EBIT 1)in € million2.870.11>100
Result before taxin € million3.98-2.21>100
Result after taxin € million2.67-2.13>100

Balance sheet data

in %
Equityin € million19.2316.61+16
Equity ratioin %4536
Net funds (+) / Net debts (-)in € million5.23-5.98>100
Employees (average)in %784752+4

1) Adjusted for restructuring costs in the amount of € 0.68 million