Corporate Governance
PIERER Mobility AG complies with the Corporate Governance Directive of the SIX Swiss Exchange (DCG) and the Austrian Corporate Governance Code ("ÖCGK"). The company has also adopted a modern Compliance Guideline.

As an Austrian company listed in Switzerland, PIERER Mobility AG is subject to the rules of the Directive on Information relating to Corporate Governance of the SIX Swiss Exchange (the “Swiss Directive on Corporate Governance”). The Swiss Directive on Corporate Governance is available here. The current Corporate Governance Report can be found here.
PIERER Mobility is fully committed to the applicable version of the "ÖCGK". This commitment is a voluntary self-commitment of PIERER Mobility with the aim to strengthen the trust of the shareholders and to continuously optimize the high legal, behavioural and ethical standards of PIERER Mobility. The current Corporate Governance Report can be found here:
Compliance with the C-rules of the "ÖCGK" in the Corporate Governance Report must be externally evaluated at least every three years. Most recently, the Corporate Governance Report 2021 was audited using the official questionnaire of the Austrian Working Group for Corporate Governance. The audit report can be found here:
The next evaluation will take place for the financial year 2024.
In accordance with Article 19 of Regulation No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 (Market Abuse Regulation, MAR), senior management of PIERER Mobility AG – members of the Management Board and members of the Supervisory Board, as well as related parties – have to notify the financial markets regulatory body ("Finanzmarktaufsicht") of any own account transactions in PIERER Mobility AG shares, derivatives on it or similar securities and to disclose the transaction to the public immediately.
We kindly request that any shareholders obliged to inform PIERER Mobility AG about changes in numbers of voting rights send the relevant notification of voting rights by email to: The Voting Rights Notifications published by PIERER Mobility AG can be found under Corporate Governance:
To the Voting Rights Notifications

and independence

for the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board

Pursuant to Article 19 of Regulation No 596/2014 of the European Parliament.

Prospectuses, takeover bids, bonds