We, as PIERER Mobility AG are fully committed to the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance (ÖCGK) in its current version. We are committed to its objectives and will continue to observe them in the future. This commitment by PIERER Mobility AG is voluntary and aims to boost shareholder confidence and to constantly optimize the high internal legal, behavioral and ethical standards of PIERER Mobility AG.
Corporate Governance Kodex (ÖCGK)
The Austrian Code of Corporate Governance (“ÖCGK”) can be accessed via the link below: www.corporate-governance.at/code/
Corporate Governance (RLCG) of the SIX Swiss Exchange
As an Austrian company listed in Switzerland, PIERER Mobility AG is subject to the rules of the Directive on Information relating to Corporate Governance of the SIX Swiss Exchange (the “Swiss Directive on Corporate Governance”). The Swiss Directive on Corporate Governance is available here.
Corporate Governance Report
We engaged Oberhammer Rechtsanwälte GmbH for the evaluation of our compliance with the Corporate Governance Code for the business year 2021. The official questionnaire of the Austrian Working Group for Corporate Governance was used for the evaluation. The evaluation report is availabe in German language and can be downloaded below:
The next evaluation will take place for the financial year 2024.
Compliance Guideline
In accordance with Article 19 of Regulation No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 (Market Abuse Regulation, MAR), senior management of PIERER Mobility AG – members of the Management Board and members of the Supervisory Board, as well as related parties – have to notify the financial markets regulatory body (Finanzmarktaufsicht) of any own account transactions in PIERER Mobility AG shares, derivatives on it or similar securities and to disclose the transaction to the public immediately.
Notifications of voting rights
We kindly request that any shareholders obliged to inform PIERER Mobility AG about changes in numbers of voting rights send the relevant notification of voting rights by email to: ir@pierermobility.com. The Voting Rights Notifications published by PIERER Mobility AG can be found under Corporate Governance:
To the Voting Rights Notifications
Notifications of voting rights/shareholdings: archive
14.05.2018 - Major holdings notification pursuant to Sec. 130 to 134 BörseG 2018
12.02.2018 - Major holdings notification pursuant to Sec. 130 to 134 BörseG 2018
05.12.2017 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
24.11.017 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
02.07.2015 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Wels, 2 July 2015 – CROSS Industries AG announces, that pursuant to § 91 Austrian Stock Exchange Act it was informed by Pierer Industrie AG as follows: The share capital of CROSS Industries AG amounts to EUR 225,386,742 and is divided into 225,386,742 shares. As of 10 June 2015, Pierer Industrie AG was holding 191,837,154 shares of CROSS Industries AG; this equaled to approximately 85.11% of the voting rights of CROSS Industries AG. Since 10 June 2015 Pierer Industrie AG has sold shares of CROSS Industries AG in several steps.
Pierer Industrie AG has informed the company that on 30 June 2015 its voting rights in CROSS Industries AG went below the threshold of 75% and currently amount to approximately 74.94% (number of shares: 168,916,006).
For questions please contact:
Mag. Michaela Friepeß
Investor Relations
10.06.2015 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Wels, 10 June 2015 – CROSS Industries AG announces, that pursuant to § 91 and § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act it was informed by Pierer Industrie AG, Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Stefan Pierer as follows:
The share capital of CROSS Industries AG amounts to EUR 225,386,742 and is divided into 225,386,742 shares. So far, Pierer Industrie AG was holding 221,724,080 shares of CROSS Industries AG; this equaled to 98.37% of the voting rights of CROSS Industries AG. Pierer Industrie AG is controlled by Stefan Pierer through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH. On 10 June 2015 Pierer Industrie AG has sold 29,886,926 shares of CROSS Industries AG; this equals to 13.26% of the voting rights of CROSS Industries AG.
Announcements pursuant to § 91 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
1. Pierer Industrie AG
Pierer Industrie AG has announced, that its voting rights in CROSS Industries AG, which can be exercised directly, on 10 June 2015 went below the threshold of 90% and currently amount to approximately 85.11% (number of shares: 191,837,154).
2. Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH
Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH has announced, that its voting rights in CROSS Industries AG, which can be exercised indirectly through Pierer Industrie AG, on 10 June 2015 went below the threshold of 90% and currently amount to approximately 85.11% (number of shares: 191,837,154).
3. Stefan Pierer
Stefan Pierer has announced, that his voting rights in CROSS Industries AG, which can be exercised indirectly through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Pierer Industrie AG, on 10 June 2015 went below the threshold of 90% and currently amount to approximately 85.11% (number of shares: 191,837,154).
02.06.2015 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Wels, 2 June 2015 – CROSS Industries AG (previously BF HOLDING AG) announces, that pursuant to § 91 and § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act it was informed by Pierer Industrie AG, Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Stefan Pierer as follows:
So far, Pierer Industrie AG was holding 11,744,080 shares of BF HOLDING AG (now CROSS Industries AG); this equaled to 76.33% of the voting rights of BF HOLDING AG (now CROSS Industries AG). Pierer Industrie AG is controlled by Stefan Pierer through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH. Moreover, Pierer Industrie AG is the sole shareholder of CROSS Industries AG.
In the annual shareholders’ meetings of CROSS Industries AG, FN 261823 i, (“CROSS OLD”) and BF HOLDING AG, FN 78112 x, held on 22 April 2015 it has been resolved to merge CROSS OLD as transferring company into BF HOLDING AG as receiving company (the “Merger”). In the annual shareholders’ meetings of BF HOLDING AG, FN 78112 x, on 22 April 2015 it has also been resolved to change the company name of BF HOLDING AG to CROSS Industries AG.
The Merger and the change of BF HOLDING AG’s company name were registered with the company register on 2 June 2015.
To implement the merger, the share capital of BF HOLDING AG was increased by EUR 210,000,000 from currently EUR 15,386,742 to EUR 225,386,742 by issuing 210,000,000 new shares. In connection with the merger, BF HOLDING AG has granted 210,000,000 new shares to Pierer Industrie AG as sole shareholder of CROSS OLD.
Announcements pursuant to § 91a and § 91 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
1. Pierer Industrie AG
Announcement pursuant to § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Pierer Industrie AG has announced, that - due to the registration of the Merger with the company register on 2 June 2015 - it no longer holds an instrument pursuant to § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act. The voting rights in
relation to shares of CROSS Industries AG (previously BF HOLDING AG), which were directly held pursuant to § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act since 22 April 2015, due to the registration of the Merger with the company register on 2 June 2015 went below the thresholds of 90%, 75%, 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% and currently amount to 0%.
Announcement pursuant to § 91 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Pierer Industrie AG has announced, that due to the registration of the Merger with the company register its voting rights in CROSS Industries AG (previously BF HOLDING AG), which can be exercised directly, on 2 June 2015 have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 75% and 90% and currently amount to approximately 98.38% (number of shares: 221,744,080).
2. Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH
Announcement pursuant to § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act
erer Konzerngesellschaft mbH has announced, that - due to the registration of the Merger with the company register on 2 June 2015 - it no longer holds an instrument pursuant to § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act. The voting rights in relation to shares of CROSS Industries AG (previously BF HOLDING AG) pursuant to § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act, which were indirectly held through Pierer Industrie AG since 22 April 2015, due to the
registration of the Merger with the company register on 2 June 2015 went below the thresholds of 90%, 75%, 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% and currently amount to 0%.
Announcement pursuant to § 91 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH has announced, that due to the registration of the Merger with the company register its voting rights in CROSS Industries AG (previously BF HOLDING AG), which can be exercised indirectly through Pierer Industrie AG, on 2 June 2015 have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 75% and 90% and currently amount to approximately 98.38% (number of shares: 221,744,080).
As parent company Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH has also announced, that in the course of the Merger the company CROSS OLD has ceased to exist and that therefore CROSS OLD as of the registration of the Merger with the company register on 2 June 2015 does not hold any longer shares of CROSS Industries AG (previously BF HOLDING AG).
3. Stefan Pierer
Announcement pursuant to § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Stefan Pierer has announced, that - due to the registration of the Merger with the company register on 2 June 2015 - he no longer holds an instrument pursuant to § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act. The voting rights in relation to shares of CROSS Industries AG (previously BF HOLDING AG) pursuant to § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act, which were indirectly held through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Pierer Industrie AG since 22 April 2015, due to the registration of the Merger with the company register on 2 June 2015 went below the thresholds of 90%, 75%, 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% and currently amount to 0%.
Announcement pursuant to § 91 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Stefan Pierer has announced, that due to the registration of the Merger with the company register his voting rights in CROSS Industries AG (previously BF HOLDING AG), which can be exercised indirectly through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Pierer Industrie AG, on 2 June 2015 have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 75% and 90% and currently amount to approximately 98.38% (number of shares: 221,744,080).
4. Michael Hofer
nouncement pursuant to § 91 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Michael Hofer has announced, that - due to the dilution resulting from the registration of the Merger with the company register - his voting rights in CROSS Industries AG (previously BF HOLDING AG) on 2 June 2015 went below the thresholds of 5% and 4% and currently amount to approximately 0.65% (1,452,695 shares).
28.04.2015 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Wels, 28 April 2015 – BF HOLDING AG announces, that pursuant to § 91a and § 91 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act (BörseG) it was informed by Pierer Industrie AG, Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Mr. Stefan Pierer as follows:
Pierer Industrie AG is currently holding 11,692,086 shares of BF HOLDING AG; this equals to approximately 75,99% of the share capital of BF HOLDING AG. Pierer Industrie AG is controlled by Stefan Pierer through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH. Moreover, Pierer Industrie AG is the sole shareholder of CROSS Industries AG.
In the annual shareholders’ meetings of CROSS Industries AG and BF HOLDING AG held on 22 April 2015 it has been resolved to merge CROSS Industries AG as transferring company into BF HOLDING AG as receiving company.
To implement the merger, the share capital of BF HOLDING AG is increased by EUR 210,000,000 from currently EUR 15,386,742 to EUR 225,386,742 by issuing 210,000,000 new shares. In connection with the merger, BF HOLDING AG will grant 210,000,000 new shares to Pierer Industrie AG as sole shareholder of CROSS Industries AG, with effectiveness of the merger, hence when the merger was entered in the commercial register.
The respective merger agreement has been signed on 22 April 2015.
Pierer Industrie AG
Pierer Industrie AG has informed BF HOLDING AG, that due to the stipulation of the merger agreement on 22 April 2015 it holds an instrument pursuant to § 91a BörseG in order to acquire 210,000,000 new shares of BF HOLDING AG upon registration of the merger with the commercial register. Therefore, on 22 April 2015, the voting rights in relation to shares of BF HOLDING AG, which can be exercised pursuant to § 91a BörseG, have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 75% and 90% and currently amount to approximately 93.17% (number of shares: 210,000,000).
The execution of the transaction (Verfügungsgeschäft) in relation to these 210,000,000 new shares of BF HOLDING AG shall take place at the earliest at the day of the legal effectiveness of the registration of the merger with the commercial register and at the latest on 30 June 2015.
With respect to the new 210,000,000 shares of BF HOLDING AG that will be issued in connection with the merger after the execution of the transaction, the voting rights of Pierer Industrie AG in BF HOLDING AG, which can be exercised pursuant to § 91 BörseG, will increase from currently approximately 75.99% (number of shares: 11,692,086) to approximately 98.36% (number of shares: 221,692,086)
Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH
On 22 April 2015, the voting rights of Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH in BF HOLDING AG, which can be exercised pursuant to § 91a BörseG indirectly through Pierer Industrie AG, have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 75% and 90% and currently amount to approximately 93.17% (number of shares: 210,000,000).
The execution of the transaction (Verfügungsgeschäft) in relation to these 210,000,000 new shares of BF HOLDING AG shall take place at the earliest at the day of the legal effectiveness of the registration of the merger with the commercial register and at the latest on 30 June 2015.
With respect to the new 210,000,000 shares of BF HOLDING AG that will be issued in connection with the merger after the execution of the transaction, the voting rights of Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH in BF HOLDING AG, which can be exercised indirectly through Pierer Industrie AG, will increase from currently approximately 75.99% (number of shares: 11,692,086) to approximately 98.36% (number of shares: 221,692,086).
DI Stefan Pierer
On 22 April 2015, the voting rights of Mr. Stefan Pierer in BF HOLDING AG, which can be exercised pursuant to § 91a BörseG indirectly through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Pierer Industrie AG, have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 75% and 90% and currently amount to approximately 93.17% (number of shares: 210,000,000).
The execution of the transaction (Verfügungsgeschäft) in relation to these 210,000,000 new shares of BF HOLDING AG shall take place at the earliest at the day of the legal effectiveness of the registration of the merger with the commercial register and at the latest on 30 June 2015.
With respect to the new 210,000,000 shares of BF HOLDING AG that will be issued in connection with the merger after the execution of the transaction, the voting rights of Mr. Stefan Pierer in BF HOLDING AG, which can be exercised indirectly through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Pierer Industrie AG, will increase from currently approximately 75.99% (number of shares: 11,692,086) to approximately 98.36% (number of shares: 221,692,086).
For questions please contact:
BF HOLDING AG Edisonstraße 1, 4600 Wels
Mag. Michaela Friepeß
E-mail: Investorrelations@brainforce.co.at
Telefon: +43 7242 69402
18.02.2015 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Wels, 18 February 2015 – BF HOLDING AG announces, that pursuant to § 91a and § 91 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act (“BörseG”) it was informed by Pierer Industrie AG, Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Mr. Stefan Pierer as follows:
Currently, Pierer Industrie AG holds 9,820,359 shares of BF HOLDING AG. This equals to approximately 63.82% of the share capital of BF HOLDING AG. Pierer Industrie AG is controlled by Mr. Stefan Pierer through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH.
Pierer Industrie AG has announced on 6 November 2014, that it intends to launch a voluntary takeover bid to the shareholders of BF HOLDING AG pursuant to §§ 4 ss of the Austrian Take Over Act (the „Voluntary Offer“). The Voluntary Offer aims at the acquisition of all shares of BF HOLDING AG, which are not in the property of Pierer Industrie AG, of persons acting in concert with Pierer Industrie AG and shareholders, which have entered into an agreement with Pierer Industrie AG not to accept the Voluntary Offer. Therefore, the Voluntary Offer is addressed to the acquisition of a total of 4,042,650 shares of BF HOLDING AG (approximately 26.27% of the share capital of BF HOLDING AG). The Voluntary Offer has been published on 22 December 2014.
Due to the acceptance of the Voluntary Offer in respect of 1,871,727 shares Pierer Industrie AG held an instrument pursuant to §91a BörseG. The voting rights relating to shares of BF HOLDING AG, which were held pursuant to § 91a BörseG, so far have exceeded the threshold of 10% and amounted to approximately 12.16% (number of shares: 1,871,727).
Pierer Industrie AG
Notification pursuant to § 91a BörseG
Pierer Industrie AG has informed BF HOLDING AG, that due to the transfer of 1,871,727 shares of BF HOLDING AG delivered into the Voluntary Offer the voting rights relating to shares of BF HOLDING AG, which were held pursuant to § 91a BörseG, on 16 February 2015 have fallen below the thresholds of 10%, 5% and 4% and have been reduced to zero.
Notification pursuant to § 91 BörseG
Pierer Industrie AG has informed BF HOLDING AG, that due to the transfer of 1,871,727 shares of BF HOLDING AG delivered into the Voluntary Offer the voting rights of Pierer Industrie AG in BF HOLDING AG, which can be executed pursuant to § 91 BörseG, on 16 February 2015 have reached and exceeded the threshold of 75% and currently amount to 75.99% (number of shares: 11,692,086).
Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH
Notification pursuant to § 91a BörseG
The voting rights of Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH in BF HOLDING AG pursuant to § 91a BörseG, which were held indirectly through Pierer Industrie AG, on 16 February 2015 have fallen below the thresholds of 10%, 5% and 4% and have been reduced to zero.
Notification pursuant to § 91 BörseG
After the execution of the contractual transaction in relation to the 1,871,727 shares of BF HOLDING AG delivered into the Voluntary Offer, the voting rights of Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH in BF HOLDING AG, which can be executed indirectly through Pierer Industrie AG, on 16 February 2015 have reached and exceeded the threshold of 75% and currently amount to 75.99% (number of shares: 11,692,086).
Stefan Pierer
Notification pursuant to § 91a BörseG
The voting rights of Mr. Stefan Pierer in BF HOLDING AG pursuant to § 91a BörseG, which were held indirectly through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Pierer Industrie AG, on 16 February 2015 have fallen below the thresholds of 10%, 5% and 4% and have been reduced to zero.
Notification pursuant to § 91 BörseG
After the execution of the contractual transaction in relation to the 1,871,727 shares BF HOLDING AG delivered into the Voluntary Offer, the voting rights of Mr. Stefan Pierer in BF HOLDING AG, which can be executed indirectly through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Pierer Industrie AG, on 16 February 2015 have reached and exceeded the threshold of 75% and currently amount to 75.99% (number of shares: 11,692,086).
04.02.2015 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Wels, 4 February 2015 – BF HOLDING AG announces, that pursuant to § 91a in connection with § 91 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act ("BörseG") it was informed by Pierer Industrie AG, Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Mr. Stefan Pierer as follows:
Currently, Pierer Industrie AG holds 9,820,359 shares of BF HOLDING AG. This equals to approximately 63.82% of the share capital of BF HOLDING AG. Pierer Industrie AG is controlled by Mr. Stefan Pierer through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH. Pierer Industrie AG has announced on 6 November 2014, that it intends to launch a voluntary takeover bid to the shareholders of BF HOLDING AG pursuant to §§ 4 ss of the Austrian Take Over Act (the "Voluntary Offer"). The Voluntary Offer aims at the acquisition of all shares of BF HOLDING AG, which are not in the property of Pierer Industrie AG, of persons acting in concert with Pierer Industrie AG and shareholders, which have entered into an agreement with Pierer Industrie AG not to accept the Voluntary Offer. Therefore, the Voluntary Offer is addressed to the acquisition of a total of 4,042,650 shares of BF HOLDING AG (approximately 26.27% of the share capital of BF HOLDING AG). The Voluntary Offer has been published on 22 December 2014. Due to the acceptance of the Voluntary Offer in respect of 1,240,000 shares, as of 22 December 2014 Pierer Industrie AG holds an instrument pursuant to §91a BörseG. The voting rights relating to shares of BF HOLDING AG, which are held pursuant to § 91a BörseG, so far have exceeded the threshold of 5% and amounted to approximately 8.06% (number of shares: 1,240,000).
Pierer Industrie AG
Pierer Industrie AG has informed BF HOLDING AG, that due to the additional acceptances of the Voluntary Offer the voting rights relating to shares of BF HOLDING AG, which are held pursuant to § 91a BörseG, on 2 February 2015 have reached and exceeded the threshold of 10% and currently amount to approximately 12.16% (number of shares: 1,871,727). The contractual transaction in relation to these 1,871,727 shares of BF HOLDING AG shall be executed until mid February 2015. After the execution of the contractual transaction in relation to the 1,871,727 shares delivered into the Voluntary Offer, the voting rights of Pierer Industrie AG in BF HOLDING AG, which can be executed pursuant to § 91 BörseG, will increase from currently 63.82% (number of shares: 9,820,359) to approximately 75.99% (number of shares: 11,692,086).
Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH
The voting rights of Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH in BF HOLDING AG pursuant to § 91a BörseG, which are held indirectly through Pierer Industrie AG, on 2 February 2015 have reached and exceeded the threshold of 10% and currently amount to approximately 12.16% (number of shares: 1,871,727). The contractual transaction in relation to these 1,871,727 shares of BF HOLDING AG shall be executed until mid February 2015. After the execution of the contractual transaction in relation to the 1,871,727 shares so far delivered into the Voluntary Offer, the voting rights of Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH in BF HOLDING AG, which can be executed indirectly through Pierer Industrie AG, will increase from currently 63.82% (number of shares: 9,820,359) to approximately 75.99% (number of shares: 11,692,086).
Stefan Pierer
The voting rights of Mr. Stefan Pierer in BF HOLDING AG pursuant to § 91a BörseG, which are held indirectly through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Pierer Industrie AG, on 2 February 2015 have reached and exceeded the threshold of 10% and currently amount to approximately 12.16% (number of shares: 1,871,727). The contractual transaction in relation to these 1,871,727 shares of BF HOLDING AG shall be executed until mid February 2015. After the execution of the contractual transaction in relation to the 1,871,727 shares delivered into the Voluntary Offer, the voting rights of Mr. Stefan Pierer in BF HOLDING AG, which can be executed indirectly through Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH and Pierer Industrie AG, will increase from currently 63.82% (number of shares: 9,820,359) to approximately 75.99% (number of shares: 11,692,086).
Further Information:
Edisonstraße 1, 4600 Wels
Mag. Michaela Friepeß
E-mail: Investorrelations@brainforce.co.at
Telefon: +43 7242 69402
24.10.2013 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Vienna, 23 October 2013 – BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG announces, that it was informed pursuant to § 91 Austrian Stock Exchange Act (“BörseG”) that due to the acquisition of 2,692,695 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG the voting rights of Mr. Dr. Michael Hofer in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG on 23 October 2013 have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5%, 10% and 15% and currently amount to approximately 17.5% (2,692,695 shares).
For questions please contact:
Mag. Hannes Griesser
Am Hof 4
1010 Vienna
Tel: +43(0) 1 263 09 090
02.10.2013 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Vienna, 2 October 2013 – BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG announces, that it was informed pursuant to § 91 Austrian Stock Exchange Act (“BörseG”) by Pierer Industrie AG, Pierer Finanzierungsgesellschaft m.b.H., Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH (previousely Pierer GmbH) and Mr. DI Stefan Pierer on the one hand and by Qino Flagship AG, Swissburg AG and Ocean Consulting GmbH on the other hand as follows:
Initial Situation
So far Pierer Industrie AG has held 12,309,456 shares in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG; this equals voting rights and a share capital participation in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG of approximately 80%. On 30 September 2013 Pierer Industrie AG has sold 1,538,675 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG; this equals voting rights and a share capital participation in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG of approximately 10%. Pierer Industrie AG is indirectly controlled by Mr. DI Stefan Pierer via Pierer Finanzierungsgesellschaft m.b.H. and Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH (previousely Pierer GmbH).
So far, Qino Flagship AG did not own shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG. On 30 September 2013 Qino Flagship AG has acquired 1,538,675 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG. Qino Flagship AG is indirectly controlled by Ocean Consulting GmbH via Swissburg AG.
Pierer Industrie AG
Pierer Industrie AG has informed, that due to the sale of 1,538,675 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG the voting rights of Pierer Industrie AG in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG on 30 September 2013 fell below the threshold of 75% and currently amount to 70.00004% (10,770,781 shares).
Pierer Finanzierungsgesellschaft m.b.H / Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH (previousely Pierer GmbH) / DI Stefan Pierer
The voting rights of Pierer Finanzierungsgesellschaft m.b.H. in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, held indirectly via Pierer Industrie AG, on 30 September 2013 fell below the threshold of 75% and currently amount to 70.00004% (10,770,781 shares).
The voting rights of Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH (previousely Pierer GmbH) in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, held indirectly via Pierer Finanzierungsgesellschaft m.b.H. and Pierer Industrie AG, on 30 September 2013 fell below the threshold of 75% and currently amount to 70.00004% (10,770,781 shares).
The voting rights of DI Stefan Pierer in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, held indirectly via Pierer Konzerngesellschaft mbH (previousely Pierer GmbH), Pierer Finanzierungsgesellschaft m.b.H. and Pierer Industrie AG, on 30 September 2013 fell below the threshold of 75% and currently amount to 70.00004% (10,770,781 shares).
Qino Flagship AG
Qino Flagship AG has informed, that due to the acquisition of 1,538,675 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG the voting rights of Qino Flagship AG in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG on 30 September 2013 have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5% and 10% and currently amount to 10.000005% (1,538,675 shares).
Swissburg AG / Ocean Consulting GmbH
The voting rights of Swissburg AG in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, held indirectly via Qino Flagship AG, on 30 September 2013 have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5% and 10% and currently amount to 10.000005% (1,538,675 shares).
The voting rights of Ocean Consulting GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, held indirectly via Swissburg AG and Qino Flagship AG, on 30 September 2013 have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5% and 10% and currently amount to 10.000005% (1,538,675 shares).
For questions please contact:
Mag. Hannes Griesser
Am Hof 4 1010 Vienna
Tel: +43(0) 1 263 09 090
10.07.2013 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Vienna, 10 July 2013 – BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG announces, that it was informed pursuant to §§ 91 and § 92 lit 4 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act (“BörseG”) by Erste Private Investmentclub Börsebius Zentral (GbR) as follows:
On 5 July 2013 these 2,611,015 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG were sold; this equals a share capital participation in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG of approximately 16.97%.
The voting rights of Erste Private Investmentclub Börsebius Zentral (GbR) with regard to the shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, on 5 July 2013 fell below the thresholds of 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% and now amount to 0%.
For questions please contact:
Mag. Hannes Griesser
Am Hof 4
1010 Vienna
Tel: +43(0) 1 263 09 090
10.07.2013 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Vienna, 10 July 2013 – BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG announces, that it was informed pursuant to §§ 91 and 91a of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act (“BörseG”) by Pierer Industrie AG, Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH, Pierer GmbH and Mr. Stefan Pierer as follows:
Initial Situation
Since 18 June 2013 Pierer Industrie AG holds 8,829,777 shares in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG; this equals voting rights and a share capital participation in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG of approximately 57.39%.
On 7 June 2013 Pierer Industrie AG has published a voluntary takeover bid pursuant to § 25a of the Austrian Takeover Act addressed to the shareholders of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG for the acquisition of all shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, in so far as they are not owned by Pierer Industrie AG and parties acting in concert with Pierer Industrie AG (the „Offer“). Shareholders could accept the Offer until 21 June 2013. Until the end of the acceptance period a total of 3,404,214 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG have been delivered to UniCredit Bank Austria AG as paying agent; this equals a share capital participation in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG of approximately 22.12%.
Since 21 June 2013 Pierer Industrie AG holds an instrument pursuant to § 91a BörseG regarding the acquisition of 3,404,214 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG; this equals voting rights and a share capital participation in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG of approximately 22.12%. On 5 July 2013 these 3,404,214 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG were purchased by Pierer Industrie AG (Transfer of Ownership). During the extended acceptance period pursuant to § 19 of the Austrian Takeover Actshareholders of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG may deliver shares in the Offer until 25 September 2013.
Pierer Industrie AG is indirectly controlled by Mr. Stefan Pierer via Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer GmbH.
Pierer Industrie AG
The voting rights of Pierer Industrie AG with regard to the shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, which are held pursuant to § 91a BörseG, on 5 July 2013 fell below the thresholds of 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% and currently amount to approximately 0.02% (2,618 shares).
Due to the purchase of 3,404,214 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, the voting rights of Pierer Industrie AG pursuant to § 91 BörseG in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG on 5 July 2013 have reached and exceeded the threshold of 75% (amount of voting rights: approximately 79.51%; 12,233,991 shares).
Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH
The voting rights of Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH with regard to the shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, which are held pursuant to § 91a BörseG indirectly via Pierer Industrie AG, on 5July 2013 fell below the thresholds of 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% and currently amount to approximately 0.02% (2,618 shares).
The voting rights of Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG pursuant to §91 BörseG, exercisable indirectly via Pierer Industrie AG, on 5 July 2013 have reached and exceeded the threshold of 75% (amount of voting rights: approximately 79.51%; 12,233,991 shares).
Pierer GmbH
The voting rights of Pierer GmbH with regard to the shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, which are held pursuant to § 91a BörseG indirectly via Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG, on 5 July 2013 fell below the thresholds of 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% and currently amount to approximately 0.02% (2,618 shares).
The voting rights of Pierer GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG pursuant to § 91 BörseG, exercisable indirectly via Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG, on 5 July 2013 have reached and exceeded the threshold of 75% (amount of voting rights: approximately 79.51%; 12,233,991 shares).
Mr. Stefan Pierer
The voting rights of Mr. Stefan Pierer with regard to the shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, which are held pursuant to § 91a BörseG indirectly via Pierer GmbH, Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG, on 5 July 2013 fell below the thresholds of 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% and currently amount to approximately 0.02% (2,618 shares).
The voting rights of Mr. Stefan Pierer in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG pursuant to § 91 BörseG, exercisable indirectly via Pierer GmbH, Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG, on 5 July 2013 have reached and exceeded the threshold of 75% (amount of voting rights: approximately 79.51%; 12,233,991 shares).
For questions please contact:
Mag. Hannes Griesser
Am Hof 4
1010 Vienna
Tel: +43(0) 1 263 09 090
01.07.2013 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Vienna, 1 July 2013 - BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG announces, that it was informed pursuant to § 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act ("BörseG") by Pierer Industrie AG, Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH, Pierer GmbH and Mr. Stefan Pierer as follows:
Initial Situation
Since 18 June 2013 Pierer Industrie AG holds 8,829,777 shares in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG; this equals voting rights and a share capital participation in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG of approximately 57.39%.
On 7 June 2013 Pierer Industrie AG has published a voluntary takeover bid pursuant to § 25a of the Austrian Takeover Act addressed to the shareholders of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG for the acquisition of all shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, in so far as they are not owned by Pierer Industrie AG and parties acting in concert with Pierer Industrie AG (the "Offer"). Shareholders could accept the offer until 21 June 2013. Until the end of the acceptance period a total of 3,404,214 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG have been delivered to UniCredit Bank Austria AG as paying agent; this equals voting rights and a share capital participation in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG of approximately 22.12%.
By ways of the acceptance of the Offer in the course of the takeover bid a share transfer agreement has been stipulated between the accepting shareholders of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG and Pierer Industrie AG ("Contractual Transaction"). The offer price in the amount of EUR 0.80 per share will be paid to the accepting shareholders at the latest on 5 July 2013 against the transfer of the shares ("Transfer of Ownership").
Pierer Industrie AG
Due to the delivery of shares in the course of the takeover bid Pierer Industrie AG is holding an instrument pursuant to § 91a BörseG regarding the acquisition of 3,404,214 shares of BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG. The voting rights, which are held pursuant to § 91a BörseG, on 21 June 2013 have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% (approximately 22.12%; 3,404,214 shares).
The voting rights which can be exercised by Pierer Industrie AG pursuant to § 91 BörseG amount to 57.39% (8,829,777 shares). With the execution of the Transfer of Ownership on or around 5 July 2013 the voting rights which can be exercised by Pierer Industrie AG pursuant to § 91 BörseG will reach and exceed the threshold of 75% (amount of voting rights: approximately 79.51%; 12,233,991 shares).
Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH
The voting rights of Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG pursuant to § 91a BörseG, held indirectly via Pierer Industrie AG, have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% on 21 June 2013 (approximately 22.12%; 3,404,214 shares).
The voting rights of Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH purusant to § 91 BörseG, exercisable indirectly via Pierer Industrie AG, amount to approximately 57.39% (8,829,777 shares). With the execution of the Transfer of Ownership on or around 5 July 2013 the voting rights pursuant to § 91 BörseG which can be exercised by Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH indirectly via Pierer Industrie AG will reach and exceed the threshold of 75% (amount of voting rights: approximately 79.51%; 12,233,991 shares).
Pierer GmbH
The voting rights of Pierer GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG pursuant to § 91a BörseG, held indirectly via Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG, have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% on 21 June 2013 (approximately 22,12%; 3,404,214 shares).
The voting rights of Pierer GmbH purusant to § 91 BörseG, exercisable indirectly via Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG, amount to approximately 57.39% (8,829,777 shares). With the execution of the Transfer of Ownership on or around 5 July 2013 the voting rights pursuant to § 91 BörseG which can be exercised by Pierer GmbH indirectly via Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG will reach and exceed the threshold of 75% (amount of voting rights: approximately 79.51%; 12,233,991 shares).
DI Stefan Pierer
The voting rights of DI Stefan Pierer in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG pursuant to § 91a BörseG, held indirectly via Pierer GmbH, Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG, have reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% on 21 June 2013 (approximately 22,12%; 3,404,214 shares).
The voting rights of DI Stefan Pierer purusant to § 91 BörseG, exercisable indirectly via Pierer GmbH, Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG, amount to approximately 57.39% (8,829,777 shares). With the execution of the Transfer of Ownership on or around 5 July 2013 the voting rights pursuant to § 91 BörseG which can be exercised by DI Stefan Pierer indirectly via Pierer GmbH, Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG will reach and exceed the threshold of 75% (amount of voting rights: approximately 79.51%; 12,233,991 shares).
For questions please contact:
Mag. Hannes Griesser
Am Hof 4
1010 Vienna
Tel: +43(0) 1 263 09 090
21.06.2013 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Vienna, 21 June 2013 – BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG announces, that it was informed pursuant to § 91 Austrian Stock Exchange Act (“BörseG”) by CROSS Informatik GmbH, Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft, Knünz Invest Beteiligungs GmbH, Knünz GmbH, Mr Rudolf Knünz, CROSS Industries AG on the one hand as well as by Pierer Invest Beteiligungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG, Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH, Pierer GmbH and Mr Stefan Pierer on the other hand as follows:
Initial Situation
The amount of voting rights of CROSS Informatik GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG so far amounted to around 57.39% (8,829,777 shares). CROSS Informatik GmbH is jointly controlled by CROSS Industries AG and Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft. CROSS Industries AG is controlled by Mr Stefan Pierer via Pierer Invest Beteiligungs GmbH and Pierer GmbH. Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft is controlled by Mr Rudolf Knünz via Knünz Invest Beteiligungs GmbH and Knünz GmbH.
On 18 June 2013 CROSS Informatik GmbH transferred its 8,829,777 shares in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG to Pierer Industrie AG. Pierer Industrie AG is controlled by Mr Stefan Pierer via Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer GmbH.
CROSS Informatik GmbH
Since 18 June 2013 CROSS Informatik GmbH does not hold any shares in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG any more. The amount of voting rights of CROSS Informatik GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG’s shares therefore fell below the thresholds of 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% on 18 June 2013. The amount of voting rights fell back to zero. The voting rights have been exercised by Pierer Industrie AG since 18 June 2013.
Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft, Knünz GmbH, Knünz Invest Beteiligungs GmbH, Mr Rudolf Knünz
The amount of voting rights of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG’s shares, so far exercisable indirectly via CROSS Informatik GmbH, fell also below the thresholds of 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% on 18 June 2013. The amount of voting rights fell back to zero.
The amount of voting rights of Mr Rudolf Knünz in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG’s shares, so far exercisable indirectly via Knünz GmbH, Knünz Invest Beteiligungs GmbH, Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft and CROSS Informatik GmbH, fell also below the thresholds of 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% on 18 June 2013. The amount of voting rights fell back to zero.
CROSS Industries AG, Pierer Invest Beteiligungs GmbH
The amount of voting rights of CROSS Industries AG in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG’s shares, so far exercisable indirectly via CROSS Informatik GmbH, fell also below the thresholds of 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% on 18 June 2013. The amount of voting rights fell back to zero.
The amount of voting rights of Pierer Invest Beteiligungs GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG’s shares, so far exercisable indirectly via CROSS Industries AG and CROSS Informatik GmbH, fell also below the thresholds of 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5% and 4% on 18 June 2013. The amount of voting rights fell back to zero.
Pierer Industrie AG
With the acquisition of 8,829,777 shares in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG the amount of voting rights of Pierer Industrie AG in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG’s shares exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% and 50% on 18 June 2013 (amount of voting rights: around 57.39%; 8,829,777 shares).
Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH
The amount of voting rights of Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG’s shares, exercisable indirectly via Pierer Industrie AG, exceeded the thresholds of 4%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% and 50% on 18 June 2013 (amount of voting rights: around 57.39%; 8,829,777 shares).
Pierer GmbH, Mr Stefan Pierer
The amount of voting rights of Pierer GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG’s shares, so far exercisable indirectly via Pierer Invest Beteiligungs GmhH, CROSS Industries AG and CROSS Informatik GmbH, are now exercised indirectly via Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG since 18 June 2013 and still exceed the threshold of 4%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% and 50% (amount of voting rights: around 57.39%; 8,829,777 shares).
The amount of voting rights of Mr Stefan Pierer in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG’s shares, so far exercisable indirectly via Pierer GmbH, Pierer Invest Beteiligungs GmhH, CROSS Industries AG and CROSS Informatik GmbH, are now exercised indirectly via Pierer GmbH, Pierer Finanzierungs GmbH and Pierer Industrie AG since 18 June 2013 and still exceed the threshold of 4%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% and 50% (amount of voting rights: around 57.39%; 8,829,777 shares).
For questions please contact:
Mag. Hannes Griesser
Am Hof 4
1010 Vienna
Tel: +43(0) 1 263 09 090
29.11.2011 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft („UIAG“) teilt mit, dass sie am 28. November 2011 einen Geschäftsanteil in Höhe von 50% an der CROSS Informatik GmbH erworben hat.
Die Stimmrechtsanteile der UIAG an BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, die mittelbar über CROSS Informatik GmbH ausgeübt werden können, haben am 28. November 2011 die Schwellen von 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% und 50% überschritten (Anzahl der Stimmrechte: rund 53,58%; 8.243.448 Stückaktien). Die Stimmrechtsanteile der Knünz Invest Beteiligungs GmbH („Knünz Invest“) an der BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG, die mittelbar über UIAG und CROSS Informatik GmbH ausgeübt werden können, haben am 28. November 2011 die Schwellen von 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% und 50% überschritten (Anzahl der Stimmrechte: rund 53,58%; 8.243.448 Stückaktien).
Die Stimmrechtsanteile von Herrn Dr. Rudolf Knünz und der Knünz GmbH an BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG werden seit dem 28. November 2011 nicht mehr mittelbar über Pierer Invest Beteiligungs GmbH, CROSS Industries AG und CROSS Informatik GmbH sondern mittelbar über Knünz Invest, UIAG und CROSS Informatik GmbH ausgeübt und überschreiten weiterhin die Schwelle von 50%.
Die Stimmrechtsanteile der CROSS Industries AG, der Pierer Invest Beteiligungs GmbH, der Pierer GmbH und von Herrn DI Stefan Pierer an BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG überschreiten weiterhin die Schwelle von 50%.
16.03.2011 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
1. BEKO Holding AG, Nöhagen 57, Burg Hartenstein, 3521 Nöhagen, notified us on March 15, 2011 pursuant to Section 91 Stock Exchange Act that the share of voting rights held by BEKO Holding AG in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG fell below the thresholds of 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10% and 5% of the voting rights on March 12, 2011. The share of voting rights held by BEKO Holding AG amounts to about 1% (153,868 no-par value shares).
2. CROSS Informatik GmbH, Edisonstraße 1, 4600 Wels, notified us on March 15, 2011 pursuant to Section 91 Stock Exchange Act that the share of voting rights held by CROSS Informatik GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG exceeded the thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% and 50% of the voting rights on March 12, 2011. The share of voting rights held by CROSS Informatik GmbH amounts to about 53.58% (8,243,448 no par value shares).
3. CROSS Industries AG, Edisonstraße 1, 4600 Wels notified us on March 15, 2011 pursuant to Section 91 Stock Exchange Act that the share of voting rights held by CROSS Industries AG in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG have been directly (number of voting rights: about 0.63%; 97,110 no-par value shares) and since March 12, 2011 indirectly exercised via CROSS Informatik GmbH (share of voting rights: about 53.58%; 8,243,448 no-par value shares).
4. KP Invest Beteiligungs GmbH, Edisonstraße 1, 4600 Wels notified us on March 15, 2011 pursuant to Section 91 Stock Exchange Act that the share of voting rights held by KP Invest Beteiligungs GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG have been exercised indirectly via CROSS Industries AG and CROSS Informatik GmbH since March 12, 2011 (share of voting rights: about 54.21%; 8,340,558 no-par value shares).
5. Pierer GmbH, Edisonstraße 1, 4600 Wels and Knünz GmbH, Pfarrgasse 7, 6850 Dornbirn, notified us on March 15, 2011 pursuant to Section 91 Stock Exchange Act that the share of voting rights held by Pierer GmbH and Knünz GmbH in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG have been exercised indirectly via KP Invest Beteiligungs GmbH, CROSS Industries AG and CROSS Informatik GmbH since March 12, 2011 (share of voting rights: about 54.21%; 8,340,558 no-par value shares).
6. Mr. Stefan Pierer, Austria, notified us on March 15, 2011 pursuant to Section 91 Stock Exchange Act that the share of voting rights held by Mr. Stefan Pierer in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG have been exercised indirectly via Pierer GmbH, KP Invest Beteiligungs GmbH, CROSS Industries AG and CROSS Informatik GmbH since March 12, 2011 (share of voting rights: about 54.21%; 8,340,558 no-par value shares).
7. Mr. Rudolf Knünz, Austria, notified us on March 15, 2011 pursuant to Section 91 Stock Exchange Act that the share of voting rights held by Mr. Rudolf Knünz in BRAIN FORCE HOLDING AG have been exercised indirectly via Knünz GmbH, KP Invest Beteiligungs GmbH, CROSS Industries AG and CROSS Informatik GmbH since March 12, 2011 (share of voting rights: about 54.21%; 8,340,558 no-par value shares).
29.06.2010 - Announcement according to § 93 para 2 Austrian Stock Exchange Act
KP Invest Beteiligungs GmbH announces that Pierer GmbH and Knünz Gmbh each have transferred 335.000 shares of CROSS Industries AG to KP Invest Beteiligungs GmbH through a transfer of assets and contribution in kind agreement dated 21 June 2010, bringing the participation in voting rights and in share capital to approximately 67%.
The voting rights of KP Invest Beteiligungs GmbH in Brain Force Holding AG that may be exercised indirectly through CROSS Industries AG and BEKO Holding AG therefore exceed the thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% and 50% (number of voting rights: approximately 55.28%).
All Articles of Association of the Company and supplemental documents.
The principles for the remuneration of the members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of PIERER Mobility AG.
In accordance with Article 19 of Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament...
Notifications about changes in numbers of voting rights.
Here you will find the prospectus for the listing of the Company's shares in the International Reporting Standard of the SIX Swiss Exchange.