Fair business practices
Adherence to the rule of law, honesty, ethical conduct, reliability, respect and trust – we consider these values to be the foundation and the universal basis of all collaboration and good business relationships. We operate in accordance with the statutory provisions and ethical principles and also expect this from our business partners, suppliers, customers and consultants. Our policies and principles are set out in our Code of Conduct and other guidelines.
Compliance cases
Data protection complaints
People informed about anti-corruption
Key topics and measures

Impact on people and human rights
In all our business decisions and actions, as well as along our supply chain, we make sure that human rights are respected and proper working conditions are in place. We absolutely reject any deliberate use of forced or compulsory labor, including child labor, as well as any form of modern slavery and human trafficking. We therefore only engage in a long-term working relationship based on trust with suppliers and business partners within the supply chain that share this attitude and act accordingly.
Supplier management
Business & legal compliance
The Code of Conduct is the key document that defines how we operate. This is why it always forms an integral part of any new contracts that are entered into and is a fundamentally non-negotiable minimum standard. We want to systematically reduce potential risks of corruption and strike a balance between economic, environmental and social responsibility.