Our sustainability process

ESG process
Materiality analysis
The materiality analysis is the first stage in ESG management. We use this to find out which sustainability-relevant topics are particularly significant for us. This is the only way we can focus our efforts in a sensible, effective and targeted way.
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What do our stakeholders expect?
In an online survey conducted in 2022, we asked participants from 16 internal and external stakeholder groups all over the world for their views. These results help us to set priorities and present each interest group with the information and stories that are actually relevant to them – and be willing to listen to them.
What impacts do we have on the world – and what impacts does the world have on us?
In an impact assessment that began in 2022 and an ESG project that began in 2022, we are analyzing how our impacts but also the world around us have changed and will continue to change when it comes to issues of sustainability. This will help us to see clearly where we need to do more to get even better, and to be better prepared for the changes that will come with climate change, social and technological advances, but also regulatory requirements and possible crises.
What does this mean for our ESG management?
When we combine the results from these two sources of information, we will know our priorities for managing, implementing and communicating ESG.